Thursday, March 26, 2009

Looking for group

Hi all,

Any one out there interested in working with me?


Monday, March 23, 2009

Remix Project Critique

I selected Brandon Cosby’s remix project because it is both simple and classy. The combination of famous quotes and manipulated images from one of the greatest writer of all times Shakespeare created a beautiful project.

I love its simplicity in the sense that it is just a classic piece of text illustrated by powerful images such as a dagger. On the other hand, it is kind of sophisticated in the sense that the images were manipulated using the photo manipulation techniques.

The other aspect of this project that I really like is the fact that he selected three of the most famous Shakespeare stories: Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet and Macbeth. Then, his straight forward explanation of his techniques and presentation of the original sources helps to understand his motivations behind this simple but beautiful remix project.

The only thing I would change or make different is to emphasize one of the greatest quote from Shakespeare: “To be, or not to be: that is the question.”

Overall, this is a beautiful project and it definitely inspired me to remake my remix project and copy some of his ideas and techniques and apply them to the works of the classical philosophers: Socrates, Plato and Aristotle.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Remix Project

According to many scientists Human's DNA has 7 codoms meaning that a codom in DNA is basically composed of 3 nucleotides (A,T,G,C) that will be translated into amino acid. This Remix project is an attempt to compare the complicated scientific explanation of humans dna codoms with our most basic fears.

From the web page, I clicked on the Search for works I can modify, adapt, or build upon option. Then, I found an image called DNA carpet by QwirkSilver. It just got my attention by creating a red carpet based on a universally recognized picture of the DNA double helix. The original image underwent the following transformation using the GIMP program:
Image: Changed the canvas size and adjusted the print resolution.
Colors: invert colors and colorized image.
Light and Shadow: Lighting effects
Filters: Sharpen and edge-detect neon.
Décor: two borders added and blue and one black of different sizes.
Text: different colors of text and font-size added.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Photo Manipulation Assigment

Original Photo

Image: flip orizontally
Filters: artistic cubism, apply canvas,light and shadow supernova, décor add borders